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Advertise Release in Viet Nam

2017-08-15 13:51:40 129

Recently, Chongqing Pigeon Wire & Cable Co., Ltd, the subsidiary of  Chongqing Machinery & Electric Group(CME), has signed a new contract with a media company for city-bus bodies in Hanoi of Viet Nam. The advertise covers 5 main city-bus routines, connecting such core areas as downtown and airport in Hanoi, in total length of 118.1Km, effecting from August 1st of 2017 to July 31st of 2018, which is the first local marketing campaign for CME in Viet Nam.1.jpg

The CME as the key state-own enterprise in Chongqing, the forth municipality in China, is following tightly the national strategy of “Belt & Road” to go abroad. The release of local advertisement in Hanoi is the second most important event just after the occurred establishment of sales office in region of Viet Nam, which fully demonstrates the strategy of CME and its subsidiaries to build the global sales network and to construct global brands.