CHONGQING PUMP INDUSTRY CO.,LTD.was founded in 1951 and belongs to the Chongqing Electric Co., Ltd., is a state-owned holding enterprises, registered capital of 196 million yuan, 60 years, the company
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Companies leading products: metering pumps, reciprocating pumps, large-scale hydraulic diaphragm pumps, high pressure centrifugal pumps from equilibrium, the pressure vessel and a pump system devices.
Products testing equipment: high-speed balancing machines, universal testing machine, tensile testing machine, impact testing machines, hardness testing machines, testing equipment, metallurgical anal
Quality, brand, reputation pump heavy eternal pursuit of customer satisfaction is the purpose of our services.
Address:No. 8 Jingsheng Road, Jingkou Industrial Park, Shapingba District, Chongqing, China, 400033.
TEL: 0086-23-61727350
6月8日上午,宝武集团新疆八一钢铁包国华书记一行到公司考察,并组织召开交流座谈会。公司党委书记、董事长李方忠参会。On June 8th, Bao Guohua, secretary of Baowu Group Xinjiang Bayi Iron and Steel Company, visited CQPI, which organized a communication forum and
重泵喜签印尼加药装置新单Indonesian Supply of Dosing Unit市场部讯,继2020年持续获取印尼钢铁、矿业多台离心泵和隔膜泵泵组订单后,重泵公司近日喜签印尼化工客户硝酸硝铵项加药装置供货合同,海外市场再添新单。Following consecutive orders for centrifugal pumps and reciprocating diaphragm pum
重泵公司获得唐山某钢铁公司1100mm高压水除鳞系统订单New Order of 1100mm HP Descaling System 近日,公司与唐山某钢铁公司签订了1100mm高压水除鳞系统合同,这是重泵公司近期连续签订的第四个窄带高压水除鳞系统。Recently, CQPI signed 1100mm HP desc
重泵为塞尔维亚矿用隔膜泵现场服务ONSITE SERVICE IN SERBIA据市场部讯,重泵公司签单塞尔维亚某矿业客户大型隔膜泵已完成交付并顺利运抵项目现场,设备安装调试在客户项目团队和重泵售后服务团队不遗余力参与下正如火如荼开展。CQPI recently acquired an order of large diaphragm pumps of a mining customer in S
重泵理化无损检测中心通过CNAS认证Nondestructive Testing Center Passed CNAS Certification 2021年 3月18日,重泵理化无损检测中心实验室获得CNAS实验室认可证书,同时获得认可能力范围内注册号和CNAS标识使用权。此举标志着公司理化检测能力和管理水平获得了国家级组织认可,进一步提升在国内国际市场竞争力。On March 18
公司实现一季度开门红CQPI Made A Good Start In The First Quarter 一季度,公司党委书记、董事长李方忠,党委副书记、总经理彭忠多次带领销售团队抢市场订单,先后签订了内蒙古宝丰、浙江华海、包钢股份等单位175个项目合同,累计订货5.4亿元,较去年同期相比增长了114.45%;实现回款2.023亿元,较去年同期相比增长34
第六期区域改善成果发布会The Sixth Regional Improvement Achievements Conference 3月2日下午,公司组织召开第六期区域改善成果发布评审会。公司党委副书记、工会主席李卫,智胜公司总监赖红妍、顾问刘晓龙及各车间区域主管共30余人参会。In the afternoon of March 2nd, the company org
重泵女职工插花体验活动Female worker flower arrangement activity 3月5日下午,重泵公司举办了女职工插花体验活动。此次活动邀请了重庆市插花协会会长郑巧雪女士到活动现场演示了草月流插花作品创作过程。公司近50名女职工参加。On March 5, CQPI held a female worker flower arrangement activity. Ms.
公司喜获土耳其订单New Order from Turkey市场部讯 重泵公司近日收到国机集团某工程公司总包之土耳其盐湖地下储气库扩建项目泵组中标通知,成功实现公司在土耳其非冶金领域市场突破,为2021年海外市场呈现开门报喜。CQPI recently received the bid awarding notice of pump units supply for an underg
近日,公司研发的新一代核级设备立式反冲洗泵水力性能一次性调试合格。立式反冲洗水泵为我公司新立项研制的核安全3级设备,其规格型号多,供货数量也多,运行参数范围广,技术要求严格,是公司核电产品由单型少批量向多型大批量方向转变的首套设备。Recently, the company developed a new generation of nuclear equipment vertical backw
公司开展“包饺子”活动Making Dumplings 2月9日,公司领导与市外留渝的公司职工共同开展“包饺子”活动,并为他们送上了春节慰问金和慰问品。Management team of CQPI and the employees who spend the vacation in Chongqing celebrated China New Year by making dumplings
近日,重泵公司设计、制造的3套油田注水泵组,顺利通过工厂性能检验和出厂验收,全部下线,即将启运业主现场。Three sets of water injection pump units (SZDP) designed and produced by CQPI passed the performance tests & factory acceptance inspection, read